Last week, we announced that for us, the Sales are over! We want to promote a more sustainable fashion, freer and free from the injunction to consume more and more. We want to learn every day to do our job better and share it with you. Today, we are talking to you about the Slow fashion movement and why at Atelier Ygapé we share this philosophy.

Consume better!
What could I have been thinking the day I bought this jumpsuitintegral in pink satin that collects dust? That I will bring it out for the new year 2024? We all have this piece in our closets that reminds us of how irrational and alienating fashion can be. Slow fashion takes the opposite view of this textile industry which promotes new collections every 3 months. It restores its letters of nobility to Fashion. It is no longer a question of multiplying poor quality purchases but of favoring products designed to last both in terms of their style and their quality. At Atelier Ygapé, we define the rhythm of our collections ourselves. We produce all our lines of bags in limited quantities, and we sell them on our site while stocks last. Thus, we break with the cycle of fast fashion.GTA V

Produce better!
In 2013, the collapse of Rana Plaza, which caused the death of more than 1,100 workers in the textile industry, marked the start of the Fashion Revolution. Since then, working conditions in workshops around the world have been constantly, and rightly, singled out. A €10 T-shirt sold for €3 on Sale can hardly be designed in conditions that respect the environment and people. Slow Fashion takes particular care to control its social and environmental impact. It ensures the traceability of its products and production methods. The creators of Slow Fashion make room for their creativity to produce from less polluting or recycled materials. At Atelier Ygapé, all our bags are made in two workshops with dignified working conditions: one in Brazil (São Paulo) and the other in Spain (Madrid). All our products are handmade and marketed at the fairest price so that we can fairly compensate our manufacturers. We select our leathers from the available stocks of our suppliers without generating new orders. And we have taken special care in developing our eco-responsible Pirarucu leather collection (in our next article, we’ll tell you all about this very special Amazonian fish!).

Vivre mieux !
Et aussi, une mode plus durable c’est une mode plus joyeuse et affranchie des diktats d’une industrie de la mode qui nous pousse à consommer de manière compulsive. La mode redevient un Art plus qu’une Industrie. Mode durable n’est plus synonyme de mode monacale et austère (Au revoir, pull en toile de jute). Chez Atelier Ygapé, nous concevons nos produits pour que vous puissiez intégrer élégance et joie dans votre dressing. Notre marque est née au Brésil, inspirée par l’allégresse et la générosité de ses habitants. Notre philosophie « No More Grey Days » se retrouve dans toutes nos créations. Et parce que c’est un pays auquel on doit beaucoup, nous reversons 5% de notre chiffre d’affaires à l’association Santa Fé depuis notre création. Cette association, qui existe depuis 1993, accueille des enfants en grande difficulté et monte des projets concrets et durables, pour les aider à construire leur avenir.

Cette année, promis, on continue à s’engager et à vous communiquer notre joie de vivre ! Et vous, quelles sont vos marques Slow Fashion favorites ?

Et pour aller plus loin, on vous conseille cet article qui vous parle de femmes inspirantes qui révolutionnent le secteur : FASHION REVOLUTION

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